A Vision of Love, Flourishing & Growth
It's our answer to the question: "What is the good life and how are we to live it?"
...and every answer that seems to satisfy the desire to know, itself, eventually, will finally generate more questions. So, let’s be open about the fact that this is a “philosophical” & “artistic” approach to “therapy” that we are proposing.
Pray For Prudence
What happens when we learn what to do, how to do it and then have the courage to act?
Uniquely You
How are you uniquely you?
You are unique, yet you also fall into a set pattern that can be optimized for maximum joy & happiness.
I and Thou
Your best friends, Your nemesis, and everyone else in between.
Evil Exists
It's what you don't see coming. It's what is concealed and hidden. It might be closer than you want to admit. Learn to see it, and you can soar. Omit it from your worldview, and you will never be free.
Right Place, Right Time
I been in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time
I'd have said the right thing, but I must have used the wrong line
I'd have took the right road, but I must have took a wrong turn
Would've made the right move, but I made it at the wrong time
_Dr John
It’s time to launch